Your Complete Guide to Retirement Planning in Your 70s & On

Floral Separator

18 September 2022

By : Quick Insurance Guru

The best time to start investing for retirement is before you turn 70 and beyond. 

Floral Separator

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Until you decide to take on more employment when you're retired, you'll have to make due with what you now have. 

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It pays to be mindful of your financial decisions in your 70s and beyond if you want to extend your nest egg as far as possible. 

Floral Separator

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Living in Retirement

Floral Separator

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It's possible that your life after retirement will be very different from how it was when you were working. 

Floral Separator

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There are numerous things that might affect the quality of your retirement life, from the taxes and fees you may have to pay to the state you decide to live in. 

Social Security

Floral Separator

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Once you reach the age of 70, you are no longer able to plan when would be the optimum time to apply for Social Security payments. 

Floral Separator

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But there are still plenty of things you can do to maximize your Social Security check.

Retirement Struggles

Floral Separator

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There’s no getting around the fact that, for many Americans, retirement can be a struggle. 

Floral Separator

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Here are some resources describing things you should be aware of in retirement...

Floral Separator

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Along with suggestions on how to avoid wasting the money you’ve worked so hard to protect until now.


Floral Separator

Your Complete Guide to Retirement Planning in Your 70s & On