Nearing Retirement? The 3 Best Dividend Stocks to Buy Now

Floral Separator

17 September 2022

By : Quick Insurance Guru

Market volatility is hardest on those in or nearing retirement.

Floral Separator

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A retirement plan should include both saving & investing, as well as having reliable income streams, such as dividend income, to top off your funds. 

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Your income and return increases each time a dividend is increased, so a small investment made today could have a large impact down the road. 

Floral Separator

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Buying three of the most esteemed dividend stocks, Realty Income (NYSE: O), W.P. Carey (NYSE: WPC), and Agree Realty (NYSE: ADC).

Floral Separator

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1. Realty Income

Floral Separator

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In addition to being the largest industry net lease real estate investment trust (REIT), 

Floral Separator

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Realty Income is also a Dividend Aristocrat, a designation awarded to firms in the S&P 500 that have sustained continuous dividend growth for at least 25 years. 

Floral Separator

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Over 11,400 different real estate properties are owned and leased by Realty Income throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, the United Kingdom, and Spain. 

2. W.P. Carey

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That has long-term net leases on a variety of properties, including office space, retail space, industrial warehouses, and self-storage facilities. 

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One of the reasons the business is so enticing is its broad inventory of more than 1,350 properties. 

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Funds from operations (FFO), a measure for REITs similar to earnings per share, have increased by 113% during the previous ten years. 

3. Agree Realty

Floral Separator

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Investors can count on other monthly paying dividend REITs in their retirement years than Realty Income. 

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The business has invested $4.8 billion to increase its portfolio during the previous five years, making significant attempts to expand. 

Floral Separator

Credit : Unsplash

It also has a track record of 17 years of consistent dividend increases.


Floral Separator

Nearing Retirement? The 3 Best Dividend Stocks to Buy Now