Biden warns Putin not to use nuclear weapons

Floral Separator

17 September 2022

By : Quick Insurance Guru

Biden administration has announced another $600 million in military aid to help the Ukrainian army maintain momentum against Russia

Floral Separator

17 September 2022

In an interview for this Sunday's "60 Minutes," Scott Pelley spoke with President Biden about Ukraine's recent battlefield success — and the dangers that could bring.

Floral Separator

17 September 2022

As Ukraine succeeds on the battlefield, Vladimir Putin is becoming  embarrassed and pushed into a corner," Pelley said to President Biden.

Floral Separator

17 September 2022

And I wonder, Mr. President, what you would say to him if he is considering using chemical or tactical nuclear weapons."

Floral Separator

17 September 2022

"Don't. Don't. Don't. You will change the face of war unlike anything since World War II," Mr. Biden said.

Floral Separator

17 September 2022

When Pelley asked what the consequences would be if Putin crossed that line, the president wouldn't say.

Floral Separator

17 September 2022

Biden and Pelley spoke at the White House, discussing a host of issues  beyond the war in Ukraine, including the economy and the upcoming  midterm elections.

Floral Separator

17 September 2022

Mr. Biden also told Pelley about his efforts to avert a national railroad strike.

Floral Separator

17 September 2022

"If, in fact, they'd gone on a strike, the supply chains in this country would've come to a screeching halt.

Floral Separator

17 September 2022

The interview is Mr. Biden's first sit-down with 60 Minutes since being elected president.

Floral Separator

17 September 2022


Floral Separator

Biden warns Putin not to use nuclear weapons