In general, you assume that as you make payments over time, your loan balance will decrease. Unfortunately, loan amounts can still increase even if you make payments.
Five years after they start making loan payments, nearly half of student loan borrowers are still in debt, according to research by Moody’s.
In this article, we’ll look at what drives up your overall loan balance, define interest capitalization, and discuss how to avoid it. Who wants to spend the rest of their lives repaying a student loan or any other type of loan, after all?
What Makes Loan Balances Go Up?
Most of the time, loan issuers will design your repayments such that the size of the outstanding balance would gradually decrease. Progress will be initially slow due to compounded interest.
However, the balance will decrease along with the loan’s overall value. You will eventually make only a small amount in interest payments and repay the loan in full.
By definition, adding unpaid interest to the principal (the initial amount you borrowed) results in a rise in both the principal and the amount of future interest you will be required to pay.
Depending on the loan period, you can repay at any time. For instance, the typical repayment period for federal student loans is ten years, although the period for students who took out private loans ranges from five to fifteen years.
However, a number of things, some of which you wouldn’t often consider, can halt your loan repayment progress. Let’s talk about what makes your overall loan balance go up now.
Paying Less Than the Requested Amount
If you pay less of your loan back than the requested amount, it can still rise in value, even if you are putting money into it.
How does a loan’s interest capitalization impact it? It causes the balance still unpaid to grow exponentially.
Let’s say you have a $40,000 student loan with a 5% interest rate. The loan has a 20-year term. At the conclusion of the first year, if you repay $1,000, the principle will be reduced to $39,000.
However, after the $1,000 repayment, the lender will add $2,000 in interest, bringing the total loan amount to $41,000. You must pay back your student loans on time each month in order to lower your debt. This payment must include both the principal balance and the capitalised interest.
For the above example, that would mean you’d need to fork out more than $3,000 per year.
Delays in Paying the Loan Back
Typically, you don’t start making payments on a loan right away. Depending on the loan’s goal, there is instead a delay.
For instance, the majority of students do not make loan instalments while enrolled in school. As a result, student loans increase as a result of interest capitalization while they are in school.
For instance, a $40,000 loan with a 5% yearly interest rate will balloon to $48,620 over the course of four years when compounded annually.
Therefore, your debt balance will probably be far bigger than it was in your freshman year when it comes time for your final examinations.
Missing or Deferring Payments
Taking advantage of forbearance (when you temporarily cease making payments) or postponing payments will capitalise a debt, or raise its value, just like paying less than the requested amount.
At the conclusion of their education, lenders often allow students a six-month grace period before requiring debt repayments. This allows them enough time to look for employment, begin making money, and cover some of their first expenses.
However, even during the grace period, interest on the loan continues to accrue.
Income-Driven Payments
Federal income-driven repayment programmes require borrowers to make payments based on their monthly income rather than amounts that will truly pay off their student debt.
Due to the fact that loan repayment amounts are occasionally lower than interest rates, balances gradually increase over time.
Choosing an Extended Payment Plan
Loans with extended payment plans generally take 20 years or longer to pay off in full. These usually result in a gradual, much more gradual reduction in loan size.
You end up owing lenders a lot more interest when you spread out your payments over a longer period of time. In exchange, the monthly payments are lower, which increases your current discretionary money.
Once more, if you don’t make your extended plan instalments, your overall loan sum could go up. Because payments often only cover interest plus a small amount extra during the first few years, this is the case.
Missing a single payment per year can land you right back where you started.
How To Lower Your Loan Balance
To lower your outstanding loan balance, you need to:

How To Lower Your Loan Balance
1. Make Extra Repayments
You are not required to follow the lender’s recommended payback plan. There is always the possibility to make further payments. The principal should be paid off as quickly as possible.
Any fees associated with the administration of your account are the first thing you pay when you make additional payments. (These are often very low.) After that, you settle the interest and subsequently the principal.
Even small increases in monthly loan repayments can lead to tremendous savings in the long-run.
2. Find a Lower Interest Rate
It is uncommon for the principal to be the issue when it comes to loan repayment. Financial difficulty is actually brought on by interest capitalization.
Students who are charged 5%-7% per year find it difficult to repay their loans, especially in the beginning of their employment when their income is the lowest.
Comparison shopping for cheaper interest rates can be quite beneficial. For domestic students, several lenders offer interest rates of less than 3%, making loans much easier to manage.
To maintain a balance of $40,000 at 3%, for instance, you would “only” need to make $1,200 in annual payments. More would lower the principle and lower your future payments.
3. Become a REPAYE Plan Member
Join the REPAYE plan if you are enrolled in a federal income-driven programme and your monthly payments are less than the interest on your loan.
This reduces the amount of capitalised interest that must be paid each month by 50%, making your loan easier to handle. For instance, this option will reduce your interest payment from $100 per month to $50.
4. Get a Temporary Interest Rate Reduction
While private lenders may provide further help for individual borrowers, public lenders frequently give the lowest rates on student loans.
Many companies provide rate reduction plans that let you temporarily lower your loan’s interest rate in order to pay off more of the principle.
5. Pay Back Your Most Expensive Loans First
Always choose the most expensive debt to repay first when making loan repayments. That’s probably going to be your school loan for most folks (unless you have credit card or personal loan debt).
Repaying your student loans as soon as you can is a priority for your financial security because you cannot escape them, not even through bankruptcy. In some circumstances, it could be wise to pay off your college loans before any other loans.
How To Avoid Paying Capitalized Interest
What happens if the interest on your loan gets capitalised? In general, it entails increased repayment obligations, sometimes to the point where they become unsustainable.
There are two things you need to do to avoid capitalized interest from accruing on your loan:
- Pay off interest before the lender adds it to your balance.
- If you can, start paying off your loan while you’re still in school.
Making larger monthly payments during the grace period is necessary to pay off interest prior to the lender adding it to your balance.
You can counteract the potential increase in interest by raising your payments quantities.
Also take into account making early repayments to avoid loan interest accruing while you are a student. You can fund this out of savings or by taking on a part-time job while you’re in school.
You can end up saving a significant amount of money over the course of the loan if you identify the early causes of your overall loan balance increase.
How can you reduce your total loan cost?
Making consistent payments, starting your loan repayments early (including while you’re still a student), and moving to a loan with a lower interest rate can all help you lessen loan charge capitalization, or the amount of interest you’re charged.
What happens when interest is capitalized on your loan?
When you don’t pay back your loan, interest accumulates, raising the overall amount you must repay. The term “loan capitalization” or “capitalised interest” refers to this additional interest.
What is capitalized interest on a student loan?
The amount of interest due on the principle plus compound interest is referred to as capitalised interest. Therefore, let’s say the principal is $40,000 and the interest rate is 5%. After a year without payment, the principal plus compound interest totals $42,000. Therefore, the new capitalised interest is more than the previous one at $42,000 x 0.05, or $2,100.