What Is Personal Finance? and Importance of Personal Finance

Floral Separator

24 September 2022

By : Quick Insurance Guru


The term "personal finance" refers to managing your finances as well as saving and investing.

Floral Separator

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Americans have racked up a lot of debt because they don't know how to manage their money or practise financial discipline.

Floral Separator

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  The 5 areas of personal finance are income, saving, spending, investing & protection.

Floral Separator

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Floral Separator

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The foundation of personal finance is income. The total amount of money you bring in that you can use for expenses, savings, investments, and protection.


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Spending is a form of money outflow and often accounts for a large portion of income.


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Savings should be a goal for everyone to help with significant bills or emergencies.


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Buying assets, typically stocks and bonds, is what investing entails in order to generate a return on the capital invested.


Floral Separator

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The term "protection" refers to the measures people take to safeguard their assets from unforeseen occurrences like diseases or accidents.

Floral Separator

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How to manage your finances; you take control of your financial concerns and have a strategy to handle the pricey surprises life can throw at you. 


What Is Personal Finance? and Importance of Personal Finance


By : Quick Insurance Guru