In general, you assume that as you make payments over time, your loan balance will decrease. Unfortunately, loan amounts can still increase even if you make payments.
By : Quick Insurance Guru
Five years after they start making loan payments, nearly half of student loan borrowers are still in debt, according to research by Moody's.
By : Quick Insurance Guru
We'll look at what drives up your overall loan balance, define interest capitalization, and discuss how to avoid it.
By : Quick Insurance Guru
However, a number of things, some of which you wouldn't often consider, can halt your loan repayment progress.
By : Quick Insurance Guru
Let's talk about what makes your overall loan balance go up now.
By : Quick Insurance Guru
1. Paying Less Than the Requested Amount
Next up
How does a loan's interest capitalization impact it?It causes the balance still unpaid to grow exponentially.