TikTok just launched a BeReal clone called TikTok Now

Floral Separator

15 September 2022

By : Quick Insurance Guru

TikTok launched a new feature today that is basically just a copy of BeReal, the buzzy French social app that’s been steadily gaining popularity.

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Credit : Unsplash

BeReal invites users to take a front and back camera photo at a random time every day...

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Credit : Unsplash

Designed to capture a more authentic picture of what our friends are doing all day.

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Credit : Unsplash

TikTok beat its competitors to the punch by being the first app to just outright cut-and-paste BeReal into its platform.

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Credit : Unsplash

“TikTok Now invites you and your friends to capture what you’re doing in the moment using your device’s front and back camera,” the company’s blog reads.

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Credit : Unsplash

Every day when the BeReal goes out, users get a push notification telling them that “it’s time to BeReal,” bookended by alert emojis. 

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Credit : Unsplash

There’s a public feed! In the mockup images TikTok shared, location doesn’t appear to be part of the TikTok Now interface

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Credit : Unsplash

TikTok says that the feature is now available for U.S. users.

Floral Separator

Credit : Unsplash


Floral Separator

TikTok just launched a BeReal clone called TikTok Now