How much pet insurance do I need?

October 22, 2022

By : Quick Insurance Guru

Floral Separator

If seen, pet insurance does not work like human health insurance. It is important to know how much coverage pet insurance should have. Or a question remains in the mind of the owners.

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Health insurance benefits humans as much. So you will benefit from getting animal insurance. But both health insurance and animal insurance work differently.

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How Much Pet Insurance Do I Need?

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There are 3 rules you need to consider before buying pet insurance.

Age of Pet

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If your furry friend is healthy & young. So you can probably think of the least coverage. But it has to be remembered that pet insurance does not cover existing conditions.

Age of Pet

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it has to be considered before serious problems arise in the future. This will be beneficial for you and your pet.

Pet Breed

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With age you also have to focus on pet breeds.

Pet Breed

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For example, German Shepherds require a medical procedure for hip dysplasia. Selective dog breeds tend to have health issues.

Pet Type

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There is a reason why cats have less insurance than dogs. Because cats live longer. And health problems are negligible. Dogs live less and diseases are more.

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Pet insurance acts as a cover. When it comes to insurance payments, it costs $30 to $70 per month for a dog and $15 to $40 per month for a cat.

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How much you spend depends on your need based on the above three items.