How to Save $500 in 30 Days

November 9, 2022

By : Quick Insurance Guru

Floral Separator

If you need to come up with a couple hundred dollars quickly, here’s how to do it in four weeks or less.

Credit : Google

Skip Takeout Once a Week – $40 Savings

Credit : Google

Cancel One Subscription Service – $10 Savings

Credit : Google

Shop Around for Lower Insurance Premiums – $40 Savings

Credit : Google

Switch to Online Bill Pay – $6 Savings

Credit : Google

Combine Errands or Carpool – $32 Savings

Credit : Google

Switch to Store Brand Groceries – $80 Savings

Credit : Google

Go Meatless Once a Week – $40 Savings

Credit : Google

Eat From the Pantry – $40 Savings

Credit : Google

Substitute Water for Soda – $30 Savings

Credit : Google

Stay Home One Weekend – $75 Savings

Credit : Google

Turn Down the Thermostat – $17 Savings

Credit : Google

Cash in Loyalty Points – $50 Savings

Credit : Google

Cancel Your Gym Membership – $40 Savings

Credit : Google

Savings Timeline to Save $500

Credit : Google