5 Ways Financial Advisors Can Help Improve Your Finances

November 9, 2022

By : Quick Insurance Guru

Floral Separator

Since the market collapse in 2020, the demand for financial advice has grown substantially.

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62% of Americans believe their financial planning needs improvement, according to the Northwestern Mutual Planning & Progress study.

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A recent survey of Natixis Investment Managers uncovered that 72% of millennials in North America are looking for a financial advisor. 

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66% of respondents say they do not trust traditional advisors.

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There are several ways financial advisors can help you out in improving your finances.

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1. Financial Advisors Can Help Navigate the New Normal

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2. Financial Advisors Can Help Prevent Emotional Investment Decisions

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3. Financial Advisors Could Help With Your Specific Financial Needs

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4. Financial Advisors Can Be Better Equipped to Handle Life Events Than Robo-advisors

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5. Financial Advisors Can Regularly Monitor Your Portfolio

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