Having a good credit score can improve your financial well-being. Solid credit is so important at times when the economy is shaky.
The inflation continues to be a concern and there are fears of a recession. In an effort to lower prices, the Federal Reserve has increased short-term interest rates five times this year. The cost of all kinds of debt has been raised by the Fed’s policy, from personal loans and credit cards to student loans and mortgages.
A good credit score can help people qualify for higher interest rates. How big a difference can a higher score make?
A borrower with 620 credit hours could get a rate of 8.32% on a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage, on average. The monthly payment for a home of $400,000 at that rate is $3,025.
A borrower with a strong 740 would qualify for the average rate of 7.233% and pay $301 less per month.
You are not able to improve your credit score until you take action. Your credit score needs time to grow. Right here is a guide to point in the right direction.
How can I raise my credit score?

Your credit score is meant to tell lenders if you are a high risk borrower or low risk borrower. The two major credit bureaus — Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax — have a score of 300 and 850. A score of 700 is considered “good.” Your credit score will bring better interest rates and terms to those lenders.
1. Pay your bills on time
Payment history is a key factor that is influenced by both your FICO score and VantageScore. Lenders are good at reporting late payments and making the payments.
You want to avoid things like late payments, defaults, repossessions, foreclosures, and third-party collections, John Ulzheimer said in a statement. It is a horrible idea to file bankruptcy. Any situation where a liability is not performed would hurt the credit score.
2. Keep your credit utilization rate low
You should weighing your balances in order to see that you’re not using too much available credit.
Ulzheimer recommends the 10% utilization rate for every 1000 users. The higher the ratio, the less points you’re going to earn in that category and your scores are absolutely going to suffer, he says. The people with the highest FICO scores typically score an average of 7% of their time to work.
The date your credit card provider reports to the credit bureaus can affect your utilization rate.
FICO scoring has a difference between paying in full each month and carrying a balance. Your utilization rate is used by your score when your issuer reports. VantageScore does take into account whether you pay in full or carry your balance monthly.
If you need to lower interest payments on your balance transfers you may consider consolidating.
3. Leave old accounts open
After paying off your auto loan, you cant seem to get rid of student debt from your file.
If you made payments in timely fashion, your credit score would improve. The same is true for your credit card accounts.
Nancy Bistritz-Balkan, vice president of communications and consumer education at Equifax, says closing an account isn’t something that consumers should automatically do in the hopes that it will positively impact their credit score. Having an account with a long history and solid track record of paying bills on time, every time, are the types of responsible habits lenders and creditors look for.
Closing a credit card account can reduce your credit score, as you will now have a lower maximum credit limit. Your utilization ratio will increase if you still carry balances on other cards. You’re better off keeping the card with a $0 balance.
Each year in the future any bad debts that impact your credit score are automatically eliminated. Bankruptcies can remain on your credit report for no longer than 10 years, according to Ulzheimer.
4. Take advantage of score-boosting programs
People with a limited credit history may be left out due to the number and average age of their accounts.
Experian Boost and UltraFICO are programs that help consumers boost their credit profiles.
After you register with Experian Boost, you can connect your online banking data to the credit bureau’s database and allow them to add telecommunications and utility payment histories to your report. With UltraFICO, you can give permission for your banking data to be considered alongside your report when calculating your score.
5. Only apply for credit you need
Every time you apply for a new line of credit there is a hard inquiry pulled on your report. The inquiry reduces the score you’re sitting down to perform. Applying just to see if you get approved or because you received a pre-qualified offer of credit is not a good idea.
The drop in credit ratings will be smaller if it is just one hard pull. Lenders might think you are taking on too much debt if you have a string of hard inquiries. The effects of a hard credit pull on your score can last up to 12 months, says a representative of TransUnion.
If you’re applying for credit, be sure to research your approval to make sure you are a good candidate. Pre-approvals could result in a hard credit pull, while pre-qualifications are rare. You don’t want to lose your credit score by pulling it.
The temptation to apply for credit cards for a period of time is a good reason to not take the big loan, like a mortgage.
It’s always best to do a rate comparison within a short time period if you’re looking to borrow money. Applications for the same type of loan in a specific time frame will appear only as a single inquiry. The average of 14 to 45 days can be provided by FICO.
6. Be patient
You won’t upgrade your credit scores overnight. A good credit score is based on healthy habits.
Ulzheimer said the average age of information and the oldest account affect the score.
Ulzheimer says that you need credit for a couple of decades before you max out those categories. It takes a very long time to improve a bad score and a very short amount of time to trash a good score.
Paying your balances on time, having low utilization rates, and not getting credit when you need it will all add up to your credit score in a short time.
7. Monitor your credit
Hard inquiries can’t affect your credit as much as soft inquiries do.
Monitoring your credit score fluctuations every few months may help you understand how well you’re managing your credit and if you should make any changes. Credit scores are not a good indicator for determining if a financial decision can be made.
“I wouldn’t recommend hanging every decision on a credit score, but hanging every decision on what matters,” Jeff Richardson, VantageScore’s spokesperson, said. Last but not least, focus on your financial health and your family’s health.
How to check your credit report

You can get a free copy of your report at annualcreditreport.com.