State Farm provides customers with a variety of life insurance options, however it may be best recognised for its home and vehicle insurance services. Here is our in-depth analysis that addresses frequently asked consumer issues about State Farm’s life insurance coverage to assist you in learning more.
The mutual firm State Farm, which was established in 1922 as a car insurance provider, now has 85 million active policies and accounts. Products include health, liability, and disability insurance, as well as life, renters, auto, and specialty vehicle insurance. Additionally, State Farm and Trupanion have a partnership to provide pet insurance.
The corporation also provides credit cards, a wide range of investments, house and auto loans, checking and savings accounts, and other financial services. Its headquarters are in Bloomington, Illinois.
Life Insurance Review For State Farm
State Farm ties for No. 7 in our research of the Best Life Insurance Companies of 2021 with a score of 3.9. Potential consumers can choose coverage that matches their specific needs by browsing the company’s extensive selection of term, whole, and universal life insurance products. In most situations, plans can also be customised using riders.

✅ Received an A++ rating from AM Best
✅ Among the most affordable life insurance companies in our rating
✅ Offers term, universal, and whole life insurance
â›” Not available in Massachusetts or Rhode Island
â›” Policies must be purchased through a State Farm agent
With a sample monthly premium of $62.19 for a $1 million, 20-year term policy for a nonsmoking, 35-year-old applicant in average health, the company ranked fourth among the cheapest insurance providers in our ranking. Premium payments can be made in person, by mail, online, automatically, or all of the above. All states, with the exception of Rhode Island and Massachusetts, currently offer State Farm Life Insurance.
How Much Does Life Insurance Cost From State Farm’s?
State Farm ranks as the fourth-cheapest life insurance provider in our ranking. For non-smokers with normal health, the typical monthly premium for a 20-year, $1 million term policy is as follows:
✅ 35-year-olds: $62.19
✅ 45-year-olds: $134.44
✅ 55-year-olds: $329.74
✅ 65-year-olds: $1,006.64
Between the ages of 35 and 45, the cost more than doubles, between the ages of 45 and 55, it increases by roughly 145%, and between the ages of 55 and 65, it increases by more than 200%. The greater your chances are of obtaining (and locking in) a cheap premium, the earlier you purchase life insurance.
Potential customers are prompted by State Farm’s life insurance coverage calculator to take into account details like their marital status, age, place of residence, way of life, mortgage and other debts, presence of children or other dependents, current income, current assets, and other priorities like charitable giving.
Options For Term Life Insurance From State Farm
✅ 10-, 20-, and 30-year terms for the Select Term Life policy
✅ 20- and 30-year terms for the Return of Premium Term Life policy
✅ 10-year term or up to age 50 for the Instant Answer Term Life policy
✅ Guaranteed to have level monthly premiums
✅ Available with coverage starting at $100,000 for Select Term Life, $50,000 for Instant Answer Term Life, and Return of Premium Term Life.
✅ For Select Term 10, Select Term 20, and Select Term 30 policies, the issue-age restrictions are 18 to 75, 18 to 65, and 18 to 45, respectively.
✅ Premium Refund Term Issue-age restrictions for life insurance policies are 18 to 60 for a 20-year term (up to age 55 for smokers) and 18 to 45 for a 30-year term.
✅ Instant Answer Term Life policy has an issue-age restriction of 16 to 45
✅ Online applications are available for the Select Term Life and Return of Premium Term Life plans, while the Instant Answer Term Life insurance offers online estimates.
In addition:
✅ You can change a number of term life and return of premium term life insurance policies to permanent insurance without paying a charge or having a medical exam.
Up to age 50 or ten years following purchase, the Instant Answer Term Life policy can be converted to permanent protection.
✅ Death benefits are often paid in a flat payment, though there may be other choices.
✅ The premium for the disability rider is waived for all three insurance policies.
Children’s term riders are available on the Return of Premium Term Life policy, the Select Term Life policy, and the Select Term Life policy.
✅ Online resources for the Select Term Life and Return of Premium Term Life insurance include quotation estimates and online applications.
✅ A tax-free death benefit is the financial advantage of all three different policy kinds.
A tax-deferred cash value that can be obtained at any time is another feature of the Return of Premium Term Life policy.
Options For Whole Life Insurance From State Farm
✅ Offered in lifetime coverage periods
✅ Available with guaranteed level premiums for the Final Expense, Single Premium Life, and Limited Pay Life plans, as well as guaranteed level premiums for the Whole Life and Limited Pay Life policies.
✅ Final Expense at $10,000
✅ Limited Pay Life with a 20-year premium term starting at $50,000, a 15-year premium term at $100,000, and a 10-year premium term at $250,000
✅ Single Premium Life starting at $15,000
✅ Whole Life starting at $25,000
✅ Limited Pay Life policy is available for ages 0 to 85.
✅ Single Premium Life policy is available for ages 0 to 80.
✅ Whole Life policy is available for ages 0 to 85.
In addition:
✅ There are no variable policy types available.
✅ If a policy is canceled, the policyholder is entitled to the cash value of the policy, if any.
✅ Single Premium Life has a single premium, Final Expense and Whole Life have lifetime premium payment periods, Limited Pay Life has premium payments spread over 10-, 15-, or 20-year terms.
✅ Death benefits generally are paid in a lump sum, although other options might be available.
✅ The guaranteed insurability option, payor insurance, and waiver of premium for disability riders are available with the Limited Pay Life and Whole Life plans.
A children’s term rider and a select term rider are also available for the Whole Life policy.
✅ A coverage estimator, estimates, applications for some policies, customer support, and document processing are all available online.
✅ A multiline discount for purchasing multiple insurance policies is available.
Life Insurance pay for death by suicide?
Generally speaking, state regulations governing payout for suicide deaths bind life insurance companies. The majority of the time, claims can be made by policyholders who have had their policies for longer than two years. To learn more about State Farm’s policy, which may differ depending on the type of coverage and the state, get in touch with the organisation or an insurance agent directly.
Cover a drug overdose?
In general, state laws governing payment for a drug overdose bind life insurance companies. The majority of the time, claims can be made by policyholders who have had their policies for longer than two years. To learn more about State Farm’s policy, which may differ depending on the type of coverage and the state, get in touch with the organisation or an insurance agent directly.
Can you get life insurance from State Farm if you have cancer?
The type, stage, and grade of the disease, the date of diagnosis, and the date that treatment was finished will all affect an applicant’s ability to obtain life insurance if they have a history of cancer. State Farm normally does not offer life insurance coverage to applicants who are receiving cancer treatment right now.

How to Buy State Farm Life Insurance
While some of State Farm’s life insurance plans are only available through agents, others are available with online applications. Finding out if the insurance you’re searching for is offered online or through a State Farm insurance representative is the first step. By using the company’s search tool or browsing a list of agents by state, you can find a State Farm agent nearby.
You can store an online application that you are having problems completing and finish it later. Your stored application is accessible to a State Farm agent who can work with you to finish it. Additionally, a State Farm online account allows for the electronic management of papers.